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Ofertas de empleo

Oferta de Trabajo  Código: 54127  


Empresa: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III F.S.P (CNIC) Nº de Plazas: 8
Referencia: COFUND-CNIC-CALL2 Publicada el 15/10/2024 Publicada hasta el 30/11/2024
Tipo de Contrato: Sin especificar Dedicación: Jornada completa  
Localidad: Madrid Provincia: Madrid Disponibilidad para viajar: Sin especificar
Fecha de Incorporación: April 2025 Fecha de Finalización: 3 years
Enlace URL:

Nivel Académico

Áreas tecnológicas
A- Biociencias


IMPORTANT: The interested person must send the Curriculum Vitae, the degree and the work life report MANDATORY through the CNIC application web, which can be found at the following link:

Requests that are not sent through the CNIC website cannot be accepted

Cure Heart & Brain, the postdoctoral COFUND program run by CNIC is open to excellent researchers of any nationality to perform research on heart and brain and their connection, which are issues of utmost medical and social importance.

Deadline and number of positions

Call 2 is open now and will close on the 30th of November 2024.

Positions offered: 8.

Eligibility requirements


  1. Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately prior to the call deadline (reference date for call 2 is 30th of November 2024).
  2. Researchers must be in possession of a doctoral degree* at the deadline of the co-funded programme's call.*A medical doctor degree will be accepted only when it corresponds to a doctoral degree or if the researcher can demonstrate his/her appointment in a position that requires doctoral equivalency (e.g. professorship appointment). Medical doctor degrees corresponding to basic medical training as defined in Annex V of Directive 2005/36/EC will not be considered a doctoral degree. Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered as postdoctoral researchers and will be considered eligible to apply
  3. Researchers who are already permanently employed by CNIC at the call closing date (reference date for call 2 is 30th of November 2024) are not eligible.


Conditions offered

  · Employment contract for postdoctoral researchers according to art. 22 of Spanish Law on Science, Technology and Innovation (“Ley de la Ciencia”) with duration of 36 months.

 · Access to state-of-the art infrastructures and advanced technologies

 · Integration into an excellent scientific environment.

 · Incorporation adaptable to the candidate circumstances.

 · Implementation of the research project chosen by the fellow.

 · Incorporation within the Cure Heart & Brain programme:

  • Training: the programme will offer training to develop key transferable skills and competences, foster innovation, entrepreneurship, promote Open Science practices, FAIR data management, and public engagement. The fellows will acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility.
  • Secondment options at Associated Partners premises: Cure Heart & Brain includes 24 Associated Partners from all over the world and from different sectors (12 Partners from non-academic sector).
  • Supervision by the CNIC´s Group Leaders and co-supervision by PIs from Associated Partners. Evaluation The selection and recruitment process will follow the European Charter and Code for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and will be merit based, independent and transparent. Applications will be evaluated on merit-based principles and their scientific excellence by external evaluators (the details are described in the “Guide of Applicants”).


Cure Heart and Brain Contact:

Si es ud. un usuario registrado con su Currículum en la sección del portal de empleo i+d+i y está interesado en esta oferta de trabajo puede ud. inscribirse directamente en la Oferta a través del botón "inscribirse". Su interés por la oferta será comunicado a la empresa y su Currículum será accesible para la misma durante el proceso de selección asociado.