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AVISO: Esta oferta esta fuera de plazo de publicación y no se encuentra activa para recibir CV.

Oferta de Trabajo  Código: 53217  

Puesto: Neuroimaging Postdoc para el laboratorio de Imagen Cardiovascular y Estudios Poblacionales

Empresa: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) - CNIC Nº de Plazas: 1
Referencia: Postdoc-MCC-06.24 Publicada el 20/6/2024 Publicada hasta el 5/7/2024
Tipo de Contrato: Sin especificar Dedicación: Jornada completa  
Localidad: Madrid Provincia: Madrid Disponibilidad para viajar: Sin especificar
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Nivel Académico

Áreas tecnológicas
A- Biociencias


IMPORTANT: The interested person must send the Curriculum Vitae, the degree and the work life report MANDATORY through the CNIC application web, which can be found at the following link:


Requests that are not sent through the CNIC website cannot be accepted


The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) CNIC has been conceived to develop research of excellence, competitive and of international relevance in relation to cardiovascular diseases. The CNIC has a research center of 24,000 m2, located in Madrid, with more than 6,000 m2 for laboratories equipped with a state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment.

A position for a junior postdoc is called to work in the Cardiovascular Imaging and Population Studies laboratory within the framework of the PESA-Brain project, under the direction of Dr. Valentín Fuster. PESA-Brain is a subproject within the Subclinical Early Atherosclerosis Progression Study (PESA-Health), a prospective cohort study of 4000 asymptomatic participants (40-55 years) thoroughly evaluated for the extent of subclinical atherosclerosis. The PESA-Brain study was designed to identify early structural, functional and vascular brain changes associated with midlife atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk factors. The PESA-Brain targets 1000 participants at the 9-year follow-up PESA visit and consists of thorough neuropsychological testing, advanced multi-modal neuroimaging, and quantification of blood-based neuropathological biomarkers. This study is in a unique position to unveil novel relationships between cardiovascular and brain alterations in the health-to-disease transition, which may have important implications for interventional and therapeutic approaches. The postdoctoral researcher will participate in the process of analyzing these brain images and will seek for associations with cognition, subclinical atherosclerosis and other relevant variables.

For additional information about the group:


The selected candidate will carry out neuroimaging studies and analyses under the direct supervision of the Neuroimaging team of the PESA-Brain project within the group of Cardiovascular Imaging and Population Studies, directed by Dr. Valentín Fuster.

Mandatory Requirements:

  1. PhD in Biomedical Sciences or related disciplines obtained within the 2 previous years.
  2. Minimum of 5 scientific publications in indexed journals (JCR) in the biomedical field. (The CV must include a complete list of publications that details the publication and the authors).

Valuable Requirements:

  • C1. Experience working with imaging techniques (MRI, PET…).
  •  C2. Expertise on neuroimaging analysis and imaging processing/visualization/programming/statistical software such as SPM, MATLAB, Freesurfer, ImageJ, R, python, SPSS, etc.
  •  C3. Knowledge in the fields of Neuroscience and/or Neurovascular research
  • C4. Data science skills and expertise on clinical studies
  • C5. CV.
  •  C6. Interview.

We offer:

  • Opportunity to work in a leading cardiovascular research institution equipped with state-of-the-art resources and technology.
  • Integration in a young translational research team, in a highly competitive environment.
  • Start date: Immediate.
  • Postdoctoral research contract of 3 years duration, extendable up to the maximum limit of six years (within the selected candidate career), in accordance with Art. 22 Law of Science, Technology and Innovation (texto refundido Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio, de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación), as long as the selected candidate complies with the legal requirements for the formalization of the contract in accordance with the Spanish labor law.

Recruitment Plan:

The RESOLUTION OF THE SECRETARIAT OF STATE FOR PUBLIC FUNCTION APPROVING THE COMMON ACTION CRITERIA FOR THE RECRUITMENT PROCESSES IN THE STATE PUBLIC SECTOR ENTITIES of April 11, 2022, set forth in point 6.1 that “Unless a specific regulation establishes a merit-bases recruitment system (concurso), the competition (concurso-oposición) must be the recruitment system”

In CNIC, the specific regulations approved by the Foundation's board of trustees establish a merit-base recruitment system (concurso) including a personal interview.

At least the 3 candidates with the highest score, as long as they reach the minimum of 65 points as a sum of criteria (C1‐C5) will be interviewed. The candidate with the highest score will be hired given the total score (C1-C6) is higher than 80 points.

Recruitment Commission:

  • Assistant researcher
  • UCEC Leader
  • Research Office Manager
  • Research Office Manager
  • HR member


The CNIC guarantees, within its field of action, the principle of equal access to employment, and may not establish any direct or indirect discrimination, based on grounds of origin, including racial or ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, religion or beliefs, political opinion, sexual orientation and identity, gender expression, sexual characteristics, trade union membership, social status, language within the State and disability, provided that workers are fit to perform the work or job in question.

By participating in the selection process, the participant agrees that their data appear in the public resolutions of the selection process. Such resolutions (provisional list of admitted and excluded, definitive list of admitted and excluded and resolution of the process) are published on the CNIC website.


Criterios de puntuación

C1 - Experience working with imaging techniques (MRI, PET…) (the experience will be valued as a whole based on time/specialty) - 15%

C2 - Expertise on neuroimaging analysis and imaging processing/visualization/programming/statistical software such as SPM, MATLAB, Freesurfer, ImageJ, R, python, SPSS, etc. (the experience will be valued as a whole based on time/specialty) - 20%

C3 - Knowledge in the fields of Neuroscience and/or Neurovascular research (the experience will be valued as a whole based on time/specialty) - 15%

C4 - Data science skills and expertise on clinical studies (the experience will be valued as a whole based on time/specialty) - 15%

C5 - CV (will be valued as a whole based on quality and quantity of publications, attendance and presentations at meetings and conferences, participation in projects, awards, research experience abroad, etc.) - 15%

C6 - Interview - 20%


"En caso de ausencia de alguno de los evaluadores se nombrará un evaluador alternativo de la misma área"