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Ofertas de empleo

AVISO: Esta oferta no se encuentra activa.

Oferta de Trabajo  Código: 52783  


Empresa: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) - CNIC Nº de Plazas: 1
Referencia: PEPF_STAFFSCIENT-JAC-04.24 Publicada el 7/5/2024 Publicada hasta el 22/5/2024
Tipo de Contrato: Sin especificar Dedicación: Jornada completa  
Localidad: Madrid Provincia: Madrid Disponibilidad para viajar: Sin especificar
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Nivel Académico

Áreas tecnológicas
A- Biociencias


IMPORTANT: The interested person must send the Curriculum Vitae, the degree and the work life report MANDATORY through the CNIC application web, which can be found at the following link:


Requests that are not sent through the CNIC website cannot be accepted


The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (F.S.P.) CNIC has been conceived to develop research of excellence, competitive and of international relevance in relation to cardiovascular diseases. The CNIC has a research center of 24,000 m2, located in Madrid, with more than 6,000 m2 for laboratories equipped with a state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment.


  • Be responsible for the design, development and implementation of research projects contributing to the main areas of interest of the group that investigates how mechanical forces determine muscle function at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organismal levels.
  • Assistance in writing proposals for national and international funding bodies.
  • Assistance in writing and submission of peer-review scientific publications.
  • Co‐supervision of PhD, master and undergraduate students in the laboratory.

Mandatory Requirements:

  1.  PhD in Life Science area.
  2.  At least 10 years postdoctoral experience.
  3. Applicant must have at least 5 papers published as first author in international scientific research journals.

Valuable Requirements:

C1    An outstanding publication record in peer review journals in the biochemistry field.

C2    Experience in mechanobiochemistry and biophysical techniques.

C3    Experience in recombinant protein production, purification and characterization.

C4    Experience in cellular and molecular biology techniques.

C5    Experience with mass spectrometry.

C6    Interview.

We offer:

  • Opportunity to work in a leading cardiovascular research institution equipped with state-of-the-art resources and technology.
  • Integration in a young translational research team, in a highly competitive environment
  • Start date: Inmediate
  • Contrato de duración indefinida”, in accordance with the “Resolución conjunta de la Dirección General de Costes de Personal y de la Dirección General de la Función Pública.  N/REF. 220476*2353/2022 (disposición adicional cuarta del real Decreto Ley 32/2021, de 28 de diciembre, de medidas urgentes para la reforma laboral, la garantía de estabilidad en el empleo y la transformación del mercado de trabajo”, as long as the selected candidate complies with the legal requirements for the formalization of the contract in accordance with the Spanish labor law
  • Resolución del Ministerio de Hacienda por la que se autoriza el proceso de selección en virtud de
    • Tasa de reposición específica, según resolución conjunta de la Dirección General de Costes de Personal y de la Dirección General de la Función Pública.  N/REF. 220476*2353/2022 (disposición adicional cuarta del real Decreto Ley 32/2021, de 28 de diciembre, de medidas urgentes para la reforma laboral, la garantía de estabilidad en el empleo y la transformación del mercado de trabajo.

Recruitment Plan:

The RESOLUTION OF THE SECRETARIAT OF STATE FOR PUBLIC FUNCTION APPROVING THE COMMON ACTION CRITERIA FOR THE RECRUITMENT PROCESSES IN THE STATE PUBLIC SECTOR ENTITIES of April 11, 2022, set forth in point 6.1 that “Unless a specific regulation establishes a merit-bases recruitment system (concurso), the competition (concurso-oposición) must be the recruitment system”

In CNIC, the specific regulations approved by the Foundation's board of trustees establish a merit-base recruitment system (concurso) including a personal interview.

At least the 3 candidates with the highest score, as long as they reach the minimum of 70 points as a sum of criteria (C1‐C5) will be interviewed. The candidate with the highest score will be hired given the total score (C1-C6) is higher than 85 points.

Recruitment Commission:

  • Head of the laboratory
  • Research Office Manager
  • Research Office Manager
  • Research Office Manager
  • HR member


The CNIC guarantees, within its field of action, the principle of equal access to employment, and may not establish any direct or indirect discrimination, based on grounds of origin, including racial or ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, religion or beliefs, political opinion, sexual orientation and identity, gender expression, sexual characteristics, trade union membership, social status, language within the State and disability, provided that workers are fit to perform the work or job in question.

By participating in the selection process, the participant agrees that their data appear in the public resolutions of the selection process. Such resolutions (provisional list of admitted and excluded, definitive list of admitted and excluded and resolution of the process) are published on the CNIC website.


Criterios de puntuación

C1 - An outstanding publication record in peer review journals in the biochemistry field (it will be valued according to the number of publications and the position in the list of authors) - 20%

C2 - Experience in mechanobiochemistry and biophysical techniques (the experience will be valued as a whole on the time/specialty relationship) - 20%

C3 - Experience in recombinant protein production, purification and characterization (the experience will be valued as a whole based on the time/specialty relationship) - 20%

C4 - Experience in cellular and molecular biology techniques (the experience will be valued as a whole on the time/specialty relationship) - 10%

C5 - Experience with mass spectrometry (the experience will be valued as a whole on the time/specialty relationship) - 10%

C6 - Interview - 20%


"En caso de ausencia de alguno de los evaluadores se nombrará un evaluador alternativo de la misma área"