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Oferta de Trabajo  Código: 53279  

Puesto: Postdoctoral position in holography and quantum information

Función: Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at IFT Madrid. The applicant should have a strong research background in holography and quantum information. The selected candidate is expected to conduct supervised research on related subjects.
Empresa: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (IFT UAM-CSIC) Nº de Plazas: 1
Referencia: ATCAM-HQI-2024 Publicada el 27/6/2024 Publicada hasta el 24/7/2024
Tipo de Contrato: Programa Talento Dedicación: Jornada completa Remuneración Bruta (euros/año): 32027,52
Localidad: Madrid Provincia: Madrid Disponibilidad para viajar: Sin especificar
Fecha de Incorporación: 01/10/2024 Fecha de Finalización: 2 years

Nivel Académico

Titulación Académica
Física (Titulación Universitaria)

Áreas tecnológicas
L- Física

Idioma: Inglés Nivel Lectura: Alto Nivel Escrito: Alto Nivel Conversación: Alto

Conocimientos de Informática  
Wolfram Mathematica, Python, C/C++, LaTeX

The applicant should have a strong research background in holography, quantum information theory, and the intersection between the two. Special consideration will be given to those with concrete experience in the study of black hole physics, computational complexity, and quantum chaos.


Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in theoretical physics at IFT Madrid, starting in October of 2024. The position is funded via the ATCAM project "Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity: Holography and Beyond" (2020-T1/TIC-20495) led by Dr. Juan F. Pedraza.

The applicant should have a strong research background in holography and quantum information. The selected candidate is expected to conduct supervised research on related subjects, including:

1. Quantum effects in gravity and the black hole interior.

2. Double holographic models and braneworlds.

3. Complexity and chaos in many body theory and gravity.


IFT is an equal opportunity institution, compromised with the principles of non-discrimination and gender balance. Allqualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to gender, sexual orientation, race, age,religion, functional diversity, or any other circumstance.

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